Professional Services Contract
Provides a full range of acquisition services. From training to logistics services, administrative to contracting support services. Below are CAS’s Professional Services subcategories offered.

SIN 541614 Deployment, Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services
Services include the following: Deployment Logistics such as contingency planning, identifying/utilizing regional or global resources, integrating public/private sector resources, inventory/property planning, movement, storage, end-to-end industrial relocation/expansion services, and deploying communications and logistics systems to permit rapid deployment and management of supplies and equipment; Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services such as Planning and designing, implementing, or operating systems or facilities for the movement of supplies, equipment or people by road, air, water, rail, or pipeline.

561110 Office Administrative Services
Primarily engaged in providing day-to-day office administrative support services, such as clerical/ secretarial functions, data entry, payroll administration, recordkeeping, travel preparation, scheduling, notetaking, meeting management, drafting memos/notes/letters, purchasing/requisitioning supplies, and logistics.

OLM Order Level Materials (OLMs)
OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the Schedule contract or BPA level, but at the order level. Since OLMs are identified and acquired at the order level, the ordering contracting officer (OCO) is responsible for making a fair and reasonable price determination for all OLMs. OLMs are procured under a special ordering procedure that simplifies the process for acquiring supplies and services necessary to support individual task or delivery orders placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. Using this new procedure, ancillary supplies and services not known at the time of the Schedule award may be included and priced at the order level.
Host: General Services Administration (GSA)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies, state and local governments
Contract End Date: May 16, 2028 with three 5 year options.
Contract Number: 47QREA23D0023
Contact Us: Cynthia Curley, Contracts
[email protected]
Office Management Services Contract
Office Management Services provides clients with solutions that support the fully functional workplace, reduce your operational costs, and free up your resources so you can focus on core mission activities.

Host: General Services Administration (GSA)Eligible Users: All federal agencies, state and local governments
Contract End Date: May 18, 2028 with three 5 year options.
Contract Number: 47QREA23D0024
Contact Us: Cynthia Curley, Contracts
[email protected]
SIN 561320SBSA Temporary Staffing (SBSA) (Total Small Business Set Aside)
CAS provides temporary administrative and professional staffing that includes the following Occupational Classifications: Information and Arts, Education and Training Occupations, Technical, Scientific, Legal, Medical, Protective and Professional Occupations; General, Trade, Facility Services and Support; Automatic Data Processing (IT) Occupations; Administrative, Management and Clerical Occupations all classifications (with and/or without security clearances, i.e., Secret, Top Secret, and Top Secret SCI). Temporary staff can work a short time, or from an initial 120 workdays up to a maximum 240 workdays.
OLM Order Level Materials (OLMs)
OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the Schedule contract or BPA level, but at the order level. Since OLMs are identified and acquired at the order level, the ordering contracting officer (OCO) is responsible for making a fair and reasonable price determination for all OLMs. OLMs are procured under a special ordering procedure that simplifies the process for acquiring supplies and services necessary to support individual task or delivery orders placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. Using this new procedure, ancillary supplies and services not known at the time of the Schedule award may be included and priced at the order level.